10 Ways Community Residents Can Enjoy Halloween While Staying at Home During a Pandemic


Halloween and other holidays might look a little different this year, but that doesn’t mean you have to stop the fun and games. It’s safe to say that going door to door trick-or-treating during a pandemic isn’t going to happen. Halloween is canceled.

HOA residents can still enjoy the holiday while staying at home with their families.

 Here are 10 ways for your family to celebrate Halloween while staying safe at home.

1. Buy some traditional Halloween candy to share with the family.

2. Make Halloween themed cookies, cakes, and ghostly marshmallows. Don’t forget to use orange and black toppings and icing.

3. Carve your traditional Halloween pumpkin and put them out on the front step.

4. Decorate the outside ends inside of your home for Halloween or fall-themed decorations..

5. Have a home costume party. Have each member of the family make their own Halloween costumes and take pictures for sharing online.

6. Play Halloween games such as hide and seek in the dark.

7. Have a Halloween craft night. Make ghosts and skeletons out of craft items or food items.

8. Use your camera or phone to film a family Halloween video to share with friends on social media.

9. Cook a Halloween themed dinner using all the colors of Halloween.

10.  Have a zoom call and chat with friends and family to stay in touch.

Enjoy family fun times, make new memories, and continue family traditions. You might have to get creative and find new ways of doing things.

Stay safe during the pandemic.