10 Ways Community Residents Can Enjoy Halloween While Staying at Home During a Pandemic


Halloween and other holidays might look a little different this year, but that doesn’t mean you have to stop the fun and games. It’s safe to say that going door to door trick-or-treating during a pandemic isn’t going to happen. Halloween is canceled.

HOA residents can still enjoy the holiday while staying at home with their families.

 Here are 10 ways for your family to celebrate Halloween while staying safe at home.

1. Buy some traditional Halloween candy to share with the family.

2. Make Halloween themed cookies, cakes, and ghostly marshmallows. Don’t forget to use orange and black toppings and icing.

3. Carve your traditional Halloween pumpkin and put them out on the front step.

4. Decorate the outside ends inside of your home for Halloween or fall-themed decorations..

5. Have a home costume party. Have each member of the family make their own Halloween costumes and take pictures for sharing online.

6. Play Halloween games such as hide and seek in the dark.

7. Have a Halloween craft night. Make ghosts and skeletons out of craft items or food items.

8. Use your camera or phone to film a family Halloween video to share with friends on social media.

9. Cook a Halloween themed dinner using all the colors of Halloween.

10.  Have a zoom call and chat with friends and family to stay in touch.

Enjoy family fun times, make new memories, and continue family traditions. You might have to get creative and find new ways of doing things.

Stay safe during the pandemic.


How To Enjoy The Holidays WIth Family During Social Distancing

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Sadly, this year may inhibit family and friends from gathering in large gatherings due to the pandemic. Most states are wearing masks and still practicing social distancing. 

In the past, a family would drive across the country to get to a family member's home for Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner and celebrations.  This year may look slightly different. Will families be toasting their glass up to the computer screen on a Zoom or Skype virtual gathering? What will family holiday gatherings look like during a pandemic?

Here are a few ideas for families to feel close and enjoy the holidays during a pandemic.

  1. Make the most of the traditions you can safely continue. You can still decorate your home inside and out for Halloween and carve pumpkins. You can bake pumpkin pies and desserts as you have done in the past. You can enjoy your favorite bags of candy and plan indoor activities with the kids to win candy. You can cook up your great-grandmother’s cornbread stuffing for Thanksgiving and use the Halloween candy to decorate a Gingerbread house.

  2. You can gather the family to create homemade holiday cards and send sweet treats to family members by mail or shipping.

  3. You can still safely decorate your home inside and out for Christmas. You can get a tree and celebrate as you would in holidays past. And you can definitely drive around town and look at everyone else’s holiday decorations. The best part is the traditional hot chocolate.

  4. Keep a festive holiday spirit in your home.  Play music, read stories, watch holiday movies, and keep your home bustling with sights and sounds of the holiday season.

  5. Make a list of all the things you can do safely and sit down as a family and make your holiday plans.

  6. Go virtual. Post images on social media so other family members can see, comment, and share.

  7. Take selfies and start a group text and share holiday moments through text messages.

  8. Take a picture lighting the Menorah and cook your family's great Hanukkah foods



How to Increase Your Neighborhood Engagement


A majority of Americans are stuck in the endless loop of home-work-home. This hectic life has disallowed most of us to make new human connections. A recent survey suggests that many people don’t know their neighbors. Resolving this should be a primary concern for community leaders.

If you are a board member of any homeowners association (HOA), you are responsible for ensuring that neighbors at least get to know each other. Here are some ways through which you increase homeowner participation in your community:

1.       Form Committees

From new arrivals to neighborhood old-timers, committees provide an excellent opportunity for people to come together and get to know each other. Different committees are responsible for various activities. An annual meeting will provide a perfect time for residents to come together and discuss ideas and learn more about people’s interests.

2.      Welcome New Residents to the Neighborhood

Your HOA may have a person to welcome new residents to the community. This will make them feel included and get things off to a great start.

3.      Recognize Your Community Volunteers

Volunteers are a big part of any neighborhood. It is important to recognize the volunteers for the work they have done to uplift the neighborhood. This recognition will not only go a long way in uplifting volunteers’ spirit, but it will also increase engagement among residents.

4.      Use Technology

You can always use technology to increase social interactions. It depends on your association to choose any technological solution that can help increase neighbors’ connection. A digital newsletter notifying residents of events, awards, recognition of residents, and updates is a great way to increase engagement.

5.      Have Fun Together

National holidays and festivals can give you a great chance to come together and have fun. Make sure that your neighborhood comes together to celebrate select days. If your HOA does not have a person in charge of planning events for the neighborhood you may want to volunteer to head up a committee for event planning.

The Final Word

Our hectic lifestyle has forced us not to make many connections. For most of us, home is the place where we come after a long day at work, just to sleep. This, obviously, doesn’t allow residents to come together and talk. To increase engagement, you will have to make an effort to ensure that your neighbors get to know each other.

Architectural Committee and Approval Process...Follow the Rules

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Architectural Committee and Approval Process...Follow the Rules

AMG is pleased to share with you two blog posts from the Black, Slaughter & Black law firm.

The first discusses the necessity of following formalities outlined in the association’s governing documents. In particular, approvals or denials must follow the express language of the declaration, including a properly appointed committee.


The second blog highlights the difficulty in recovering the association’s legal costs (even when the association seems to prevail on relevant points). 


AMG believes the takeaways from these two blogs are that it is: 

1. Important to follow the formalities outlined in the governing documents for the community related to approving and  enforcing architectural controls; 

2. Educating community members on the importance of following the governing documents is crucial;

3. If the association does not approve an application, guidance should be given to the owner if possible (and not just a “declined”); and

4. The importance of communicating with owners to effectively gain compliance, before legal intervention is needed. 

Not only will following these steps lead to happier communities; it will prevent the high and likely unrecoverable legal costs. AMG recommends community leaders discuss the architectural approval criteria and process (for their community) with legal counsel prior to taking action. 

Association Management Group (AMG) Unveils College Scholarship Program

Association Management Group (AMG) Unveils College Scholarship Program

School May Be on Disrupted, But Planning for the Future Doesn’t Have to Be

Application Deadline May 15, 2020

Senior year in high school this year is unlike any in recent memory. Schools are closed. Students are participating in “distance-learning,” and missing all the fun things of their final year. Although students may be “stuck at home,” they are likely still thinking of the future and the opportunities of college.

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“As an association management company, all of us at AMG recognize that the term community is not just a group of buildings. It is also closely held relationships,” says Paul Mengert, AMG president. “The importance of community and the value of education go hand in hand. To help share our ideas of community with the next generation, we are proud to announce the following new scholarships, which will be available for use in the 2020/2021 school year,” he adds.

In keeping with AMG’s emphasis on community, these three scholarships honor the memory of three individuals who demonstrated community by making a difference in the lives of others.  You can learn more about them at amgworld.com/scholarships.

To apply and learn more about AMG’s new scholarships, please visit https://www.amgworld.com/scholarship-application.

In addition to completing the application, applicants can select to apply for one or more the scholarships. The final component of the application is a 300-word essay on one of three topics about community.


Striking the Right Balance


When May Gayle and I founded AMG back in 1985, we did so to help clients preserve, protect and enhance their communities.

Over the last 35 years, we have been extremely blessed to build a team of professionals who have joined us in helping community Associations across North and South Carolina administer their responsibilities. Much of our work has centered around balancing of members’ rights.

This month, we find ourselves facing unprecedented challenges with the COVID-19 outbreak, trying to help our clients balance member rights. On the one hand, we want to be sympathetic and helpful to individuals in the community. On the other, we have a duty to help our clients fulfill their fiduciary duties of looking out for the rights and interests of all members.

This is most evident in enforcing covenant provisions and violations. There is a natural reaction under the current crisis to delay taking any enforcement actions. However, doing so may interfere with the rights of other members who are perhaps being damaged or inconvenienced by a violation. 

Similarly, delaying fee collection from those who are experiencing financial hardship sounds like a reasonable thing to do. However, many Associations need essentially all member payments to meet the obligations of the community. If some members don’t pay, it is likely that other members may be forced to pay more. Again, this is a balancing of rights. 

So, what have we learned over the last 35 years? 

1.     Be kind - Even when we disagree, don’t be angry.

2.     Follow Governing Documents - Do what the documents state and avoid making decisions that are already made in the governing documents or by law. 

3.     Avoid delays - As strange as it sounds, not acting promptly seems to make things worse.  Yet, if a member needs additional time to address a covenant violation, our recommendation is and always has been to be reasonable and try to work things out.  Typically, an extra couple of weeks is not a big problem in the overall scheme of things, and as long as an agreement is in place to resolve the situation then the HOA has fulfilled its’ responsibility. 

During this crisis, similar to past challenges we have faced (such as hurricanes and 9/11), AMG recommends being nice, following the governing documents and laws and acting promptly. It is easier to address problems sooner rather than later. 

Please feel free to call on any member of the AMG team for assistance and know that our prayers for everyone are strong.

Paul K. Mengert, Chairman and CEO

Association Management Group, Inc.                 

The Coronavirus, Flu, and HOA/Condo Association Meetings

This is one of three articles on dealing with the Coronavirus and its impact. This blog looks at how associations (particularly boards) transact business outside of in-person meetings. See also Coronavirus: What Should Homeowner and Condominium Associations Do? and “Let’s Have Our Meeting or Convention Online!”

Read the full story here: http://lawfirmcarolinas.com/blog/the-coronavirus-flu-and-hoa-condo-association-meetings/


What to Do When You Have Problem Neighbors


What To Do When You Have Problem Neighbors. There’s nothing worse than problem neighbors. After long days at work, we just want to come home and relax; when our neighbors disturb our peace it can be especially challenging.

Before you hire a lawyer or list your house for sale, there are a few strategies you can employ to make things better.

•Get to Know Them Better –Take an interest in the neighbor and try to understand the issues from their end. Talk about how to resolve the differences together so you’re both happy.

•Be Proactive – If you are having a big party or scheduling some major remodeling, let your neighbors know and try to accommodate their needs as well.

•Document the Problems – Keep careful records in case you do need to address the issue legally. •Talk With Your Other Neighbors – Seek community support and assistance. If others are having similar issues, gather their information also and gain their help.

•Talk to the City/County/HOA – Often the issues you have with your neighbors are part of a municipal code or HOA R&Rs; talk to these entities and ask for help and guidance.

•Consider Mediation – Ask your neighbor if they would be willing to go to a professional mediator to try and resolve the issues.

•Take Legal Action - This should be a last resort. Contacting law enforcement or getting legal representation might be the only way in some extreme situations. Difficult neighbors can be a serious issue.

Problems range from leaves dropping on your lawn to drug dealing. Don’t feel like you have to live with the issue or move; take steps to try and resolve and know that there are ways to solve the issues.

Greensboro HOA Manager AMG Sponsors Big Hair Ball to Benefit Family Service of the Piedmont


February 3, 2020

Greensboro HOA Manager AMG Sponsors Big Hair Ball to Benefit Family Service of the Piedmont

Call-out: Triad Area Professional Community Management Company Honors Two Community Icons at Local Benefit Evening

Pull Quote: “We are proud this year to honor good friends to our community who have recently passed away: PTAA Chairman Steve Showfety and Senator Kay Hagan.”

(GREENSBORO, NC) AMG, Association Management Group of Greensboro, one of the Carolinas’ largest professional homeowner association managers, sponsored an original dress design at the 8th annual Big Hair Ball on Saturday evening, January 25 at the Grandover Resort in Greensboro. This year’s theme, 2020: A Landmark Vision, treated attendees to a runway fashion show of one-of-a-kind outfits created by area and student designers. The sponsorship by Paul Mengert, AMG President and Treasurer of Piedmont Triad Airport Authority, was in honor of PTAA Chairman Steve Showfety and U.S. Senator Kay Hagan, both recently deceased. The evening of edgy fashions, big hair, food, and drinks was kicked off with a champagne toast in their memory. This gesture of goodwill commemorating individuals who were important airport supporters was commended by PTI Airport. AMG’s sponsored design won the Most Creative Student Designer award.

The program was presented by The Guild and Junior Guild of Family Service of Greensboro Foundation, Inc. in support of programs for Family Service of the Piedmont. This year’s event drew 1100 community advocates and raised $320,000 for Family Service, the largest nonprofit agency of its kind in Guilford County. Family Service supports thousands of children and adults facing domestic violence, mental health issues and financial stability challenges.
AMG is known for the culture of giving in its five offices across NC and SC, not only for the positive impact it has on its client communities, but also on the company. AMG boasts 100% staff participation in service activities, through contributions of time, talent, and money. “AMG understands the importance of contributing to local service organizations like Family Service of the Piedmont,” Mengert said. “Family Service is committed to something we’re passionate about: building healthy communities. We are proud to be a part of their mission, and especially proud this year to sponsor a design to honor good friends to our community who have recently passed away: PTAA Chairman Steve Showfety and Senator Kay Hagan.”

To learn more about Family Service of the Piedmont, visit www.fspcares.org/; for more about the sponsoring Guild, visit www.fspcares.org/guild.

About AMG: AMG is a professional community association management company dedicated to building effective community associations. AMG guides and assists executive boards to help protect the association’s interests, enhance the lives of community members and improve the property values in the community. With offices throughout the Carolinas in Greensboro, Winston-Salem, Charlotte and Raleigh, NC, and Greenville and Aiken, SC, AMG is a knowledgeable partner in enforcing community governing documents with a proven set of processes and techniques, and supporting communities with a broad range of services which can be tailored to individual community needs. Association Management Group, Inc. is a locally Accredited Business by the BBB and is a nationally Accredited Association Management Company (AAMC) by the Community Associations Institute. For more about AMG, visit www.amgworld.com.

PHOTO CUTLINE 1: AMG Founder and President Paul Mengert and AMG VP May Gayle Mengert (center left) sponsored an original design at the 2020 Big Hair Ball in memory of PTAA Chairman Steve Showfety and U.S. Senator Kay Hagan. They were joined by Greensboro Mayor Nancy Vaughan and PTI Executive Director Kevin Baker (far right), and Chip Hagan, Senator Hagan’s husband.

PHOTO CUTLINE 2: AMG sponsored an award-winning original design at the 2020 Big Hair Ball to honor the memory of PTAA Chairman Steve Showfety and U.S. Senator Kay Hagan.


7 Key Things That Should Be on Your HOA Vision Board In 2020


2020 is approaching and if your board has not had your end of year meeting or planning meeting for next year, these 7 items should be factored into your agenda planning meeting.

HOA boards should have a board approved plan for the upcoming year. Community residents are interested in knowing how the board is moving the community forward, what improvements are being made and how their money is being spent for the New Year.  Without a New Year plan, residents will not have confidence in the governing board. It is essential to keep member morale high and confidence in the HOA high.

Here are 7 items your HOA Board should focus on as part of your plan for the community in 2020.

1. Upcoming Proposed Changes in Regulations or Proposed Legal Changes That May Impact HOAs

Homeowners Associations nationwide should stay up to date on legal changes that could impact your HOA.  It is also important to notify members of any changes to governing regulations, documents, city, state and federal laws that could affect residents, homeowners or the community as an entirety. These items should be made available to members throughout the year. HOA boards should always communicate such changes and prove to the community that the board is knowledgeable about all items that pertain to the operation of the community association.

2. Ways to Develop and Sustain Community Involvement in the Association.

Throughout time community or member involvement in the HOA has been a dilemma.  Boards should always look for ways to recruit new board members and retain effective board members that currently serve. Letting community residents know they can have a part in the HOA is key to keeping community involvement high and active.

3. Focus on Community Safety

Review past safety and security efforts and integrate ways to improve community safety. Look at the HOA’s fire protection policies, emergency preparedness policies, law enforcement and crime policies.  Update the community’s policies and procedures as needed to protect the safety of families and community residents.

4. Plan Efforts That Will Protect the Value of the Market in your Community

With the ever-fluctuating housing market throughout the US, HOAs should always consider ways to preserve the property values in the community as high as possible. Although this is probably one area where residents rebel, it is important to keep encouraging and enforcing residents to follow the community guidelines and regulations for making regular updates, maintenance and repairs to individual homes.

5. Review Amenities and Common Area Maintenance

Every year as part of the annual meetings, HOA boards should always review the procedures for how common areas and amenities are maintained, repaired and managed. The association is required to regularly improve and maintain all amenities and common areas throughout the community. This help residents feel they are getting value for their fees and assessments. Staying on top of this helps build the morale of the residents and helps them have confidence in the leadership

6. Review Procedures for Resolving Conflict and Complaints

At the annual HOA meeting, it is wise to review the past year and see how complaints from the residents have been handled. Things to consider are: Has the number of complaints increased? Have conflicts between residents and the board been resolved in a timely and peaceful manner? How can the association improve conflict resolution and complaints?

7. Improve Communication

Review the past year and determine if your HOA has adequate communication between the board and the residents. Is your HOA effectively communicating important information to the residents?  Look for ways the HOA can use new methods of communication using new technology.

Association Management Group recognizes that successful community leaders must couple skills and information with their passion to serve their community. Over the last 30 years, it has become clear to AMG that well-informed executive Board members make better community leaders. AMG’s goal is to always help our community leaders be more effective. Working as their partner, it is our pleasure to help provide the latest information, skills and techniques to our clients.

AMG knows executive Board members need tools to help them perform their duties right away. The following are six tools that Board members tell us they appreciate: https://www.amgworld.com/board-education-toolkit





What to Look for in an Effective Community Association Manager

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 These are Three Things to Look for in an Effective Community Association Manager

Good Communication Skills

Concise, timely and clear communication from within the community management association and without to the community members / resident is vital for effective and successful community management.

The community manager is responsible for getting every message out and acts as the liaison between the community and the members. Whether it is about events, changes, updates, maintenance and more, it is the responsibility of the community management to relay all important matters to the residents.

 A good HOA manager should possess an endless supply of patience, creative problem solving and people skills, which instills trust and builds strong relationships within the community.


Able to Handle Issues Effectively

The community can clearly see how issues are handled from within the association managers. Sometimes residents think issues are not getting resolved or complaints are being ignored. It is up to the community association management to handle community issues in a timely manner or communicate to the community why there may be a delay.

If there are conflicts to resolve the community association manager should reach out to involved parties and set measures in action for resolution.

The best community managers know how to apply a broad skill set to the unique situations they encounter on the job. They move with ease into situations that require strong communication, negotiation, customer service, and organizational skills. Property managers also can manage more tangible property-related concerns, such as maintenance and repair issues.


Possesses a Wide Range of Knowledge

Good community managers are knowledgeable about how community association properties operate, keep current on the latest laws and possess a certain set of skills, which include the ability to communicate and relate to a wide array of people. 

Another set of important qualities that a community association manager should possess is organization and attention to detail.  Multitasking and the ability to follow up and follow through on projects and objectives are also essential characteristics that should be considered. 

Additionally, among other skills, a community association manager should have knowledge and understanding of scheduling, payroll, budgets, collections and basic accounting principles.

The community association manager must know all aspects of the community they manage, the CCRR’s, laws, policies and procedures and anything pertaining to the operation of the management of the community.

If there is an instance where information may need to be researched it is important to notify any party involved that the community manager is getting the answers to questions or problems.

The Most Popular Community Amenities


Most Popular Community Amenities Crafting the perfect lifestyle is about more than just the size of the kitchen or the space in the backyard.

The community in which the home is located is almost as important to quality of life as the home itself. As more and more properties are developed in master planned communities, the home buyer is accustomed to considering neighborhood amenities as part of the package. Here are the most popular community amenities in 2019.

Parks and Green Space –Topping the list of desired amenities is green space. Studies show that as home buyers seek smaller square footage, they also are seeking outdoor space from the neighborhood.

Trail Systems –Along the same lines as green space and parks is the desire for trails throughout the community. Home buyers are interested in both paved and natural trails for walking, hiking or biking.

Resort Style Pool and Clubs –Pools and clubhouses have become more elaborate over the past decade and home buyers expect their community pool to feel like a vacation spot in style, size and extras, such as towel service and snack bars.

World Class Gyms and Courts –Exercise rooms and courts are also expected to rival the best paid clubs in the area.

Main Street Village Centers –As developers create their neighborhoods, daily necessities must be readily available. Artfully designing the shopping area to include a main street feel is a huge plus to home buyers. Lifestyle is a complete package.

With the appeal of smaller homes and no-maintenance properties, home buyers are seeking the extra space in their communities, replacing large private yards with community space and amenities.

Preparing Your Home for the Colder Months


Now that the warm summer months are behind us, it’s time to prepare for winter. Regardless of whether you expect to see sub-zero temperatures this season or you live in one of the warmer climates, preparing your home for colder weather can save you money and hassle this winter.

So, before you dig out your fall sweaters, take a weekend and prepare your home for the cold weather to come.

Save Energy- Fall is a great time to seal drafts in the home which can suck energy out. Check around doors and windows and replace worn weather stripping and caulking.

If you use your fireplace for warmth during winter, this is the right time to have the chimney cleaned and checked for safety. Arrange a furnace tune up complete with replacing the filter and vacuuming the vents to make sure you are warming your home efficiently.

Outdoor Tasks - Before the chill turns to freezing, head to the yard to winterize the exterior of your home.

Check gutters for clogged leaves and other debris and examine the roof and siding for any repairs which could create leaks or drafts in the cold.

If the gardening season is at its end, drain water from outdoor faucets and garden hoses. Make sure the sprinkler system is off and reinforce any exposed pipes which could burst with the cold.

Home Window Door Test- Check doors and windows for air leaks. Seal around windows and doors to keep warm air in and cold air out.

Fall is here. Along with the smell of baking and falling leaves, you can ensure your home is ready for winter by taking a few steps now to prepare. Save energy and the hassle of an unexpected repair by getting some routine maintenance done before the cold months come.

3 Tips for Effective communication with your HOA members


It is essential for the HOA board to have good communication skills when working as a governing board. If the board does not communicate well from within, they won’t effectively communicate with the residents in the community.

A lack of communication in any area can cause problems within a community. The board should make every effort to work together professionally and work for the good of the community.

There are many creative ways an HOA board can communicate and build a positive relationship with the members.

Let’s take a look at 3 tips for effective communication with your HOA members.

  1. Newsletters

    Newsletters are a convenient way to get information to a large group. In this digital age many associations use a digital newsletter for communications. There are some associations that mail newsletters via USPS.

    The HOA board should include events, security information, updates on policies or regulations, reminders, notices of community maintenance dates or any information that would affect the residents or community.

    Newsletters can be sent quarterly if there is not enough information for a monthly publication.

  2. EMAIL

    Email communication is very efficient and fast. It is very simple to get a message to the masses with one click. There are over 3.9 billion email users worldwide. This year, the number of email users reached the 3.9 billion mark, which means that over 50% of the world's population is now using email.

    When new members or residents move into the community and complete paperwork their email address is one of the vital pieces of information collected. You can be sure every member has an email address.


    If your HOA has a website this can be a great tool for effective communication. All members will know your website and can visit it for conducting all business and communication with the office.

    A good website should host all news and community updates, maintenance updates and a place to request maintenance. The Association website should also have a place for members to pay dues, submit questions or concerns, download forms, review meeting minutes and see newsletter archives. A great association website is a primary tool when running a smooth HOA.

AMG Reminds Community Association Leaders of the US Fair Housing Laws


AMG reminds community association leaders that it is illegal under the US Fair Housing Laws to adopt or enforce rules or policies that discriminate against people based on:

  • Color

  • Disability

  • Familial Status (i.e. children)

  • National Origin

  • Race

  • Religion

  • Sex

Is adult swim time illegal?

Watch this video.


For more information on the US Fair Housing Laws visit: https://www.hud.gov/program_offices/fair_housing_equal_opp/fair_housing_rights_and_obligations

Ways Your HOA Prepares For the Summer


Summer is a very busy time of year. There is a of home maintenance that is routinely required by both the HOA and residents. While homeowners are busy mowing, mulching, painting their homes and cleaning the garage, your HOA is busy, too.

Behind the scenes here are 5 things your HOA is doing to keep the community amenities running smoothly for your enjoyment.

1. Community Pool: Your HOA board or community association manager will have the swimming pool inspected, cleaned and serviced to ensure the pool is cleaned and safely maintained for the summer swimming season.

Loose debris, such as leaves, dirt, wrappers, plastic and more will find its way into your swimming pool. Though this debris floats on the surface for a while, it eventually breaks down and sinks to the bottom of your pool. This, in turn, can lead to an algae build-up and stain the plastering of your pool. This is why regular skimming during the summer months is a must.

Chemical levels are arguably one of the most important facets of pool maintenance. Improperly balanced water looks murky, irritates skin and eyes, and can cause your pool to become a breeding ground for bacteria. As a general rule-of-thumb, a swimming pool’s chemistry must be checked twice a week, most especially during the summer.

2. Landscaping: There will be a lot of cleanup going on after the effects of winter on the outdoor community lawn area. Your HOA will call the landscape service and have the lawn mowed and ready for summer. Your association management may need to replant fresh plants and lay a fresh layer of mulch in community landscaped areas.

There will be times throughout the day that are useless when it comes to watering the community lawn because the water will evaporate before it reaches the roots. The best time to water is in the early morning, while temperatures are lower and plants can make better use of the hydration— your roots will thank you. Additionally, during the hotter parts of the day, many plants go dormant. This means that water consumption is neither adequate nor efficient.

In addition, never allow weeds to grow, especially if you're trying to get a garden underway. Dandelions, for example, though enjoyed thoroughly by children, can be invasive and problematic, detracting overall appeal from the yard. Consider spraying pre-emergent herbicide within all garden beds to save time and trouble.

3. Update contracts with vendor: If your HOA and community have any contracts with outside companies, be sure to ensure that those contracts are up-to-date before the spring/summer begins and the services are utilized the most.

4. Prepare Amenities For Use: Your HOA will prepare communities outdoor amenities for summer use. This means ensuring playground areas, picnic areas and community leisure activity areas are safe and ready for use. Making sure grills have gas and are in working order.

One of the most requested amenities for HOAS is a gym. Maintaining this amenity is important, as it’s a hot spot for germs. According to Fitness Magazine, free weights (dumbbells, weight plates, kettlebells), weight machines, and exercise balls are the biggest culprits of cold bugs and viruses. Other germy areas include yoga/exercise mats, gym towels, water bottles, and cardio machines (treadmills, elliptical machines, spinning bikes).

The HOA community clubhouse is often rentable for holiday parties and other get-togethers. Restock bathroom paper towels and toilet paper. Clean bathroom mirrors, all windows, and glass doors with glass cleaner. Wipe down sinks, faucets, tables, doorknobs, and door handles daily with disinfectant. Sweep debris from entryway. Vacuum carpet or sweep hardwood floors. Report broken furniture to the homeowners association for replacement or repair. Organize storage room. Double-check the first aid kit and fire extinguisher for expiration dates, and replace as necessary.

5. Contact the members: It's a great time for the HOA to send a summer notice or email about safety reminders and summer news.

Inexpensive Curb Appeal Tips That Work


No doubt you know that your HOA wants all residents to keep homes looking beautiful for the benefit of the community. Maintaining your home’s curb appeal does not have to cost a lot of money.

Following are some inexpensive curb appeal tips that really work.

Fresh Coat Of Paint

A fresh coat of paint adds curb appeal without busting the budget. With a gallon of paint you can freshen up the window ledges, shutters, front door and the garage door. Add a fresh coat of paint to decks and railings, and street lampposts, as well. 

Solar Lighting

You can find inexpensive solar lighting stakes at discount stores around the country. Add these to the edges of the driveway, along the front pathway and around front hedges for nighttime curb appeal.

Metallic Paint

If you can’t afford brand new hardware for your front door, consider investing in a small tub of metallic paint. Refinish the doorknob, door knocker and the metal porch light fixtures. 


Landscaping can be pricey, but with a couple dozen inexpensive blooming annuals you can transform your front walkway. Choose the most colorful annuals you can find at your local discount store. Plant right alongside the path leading to your front door. Fill in empty spaces in between plants with colored mulch. 


Simply hanging an attractive wreath on your front door adds a tremendous amount of curb appeal that can be seen all the way from the road. To avoid marring the wood, use a wreath hanger that installs over the top rim of the door. 

New House Numbers

Pick up a set of brand new house numbers from your local hardware store. Hang them front and center next to your mailbox on your porch, on your mailbox post or over your garage door.

Refreshed Mailbox

Mailboxes get ignored so many times. It’s a shame because it’s easy to add curb appeal with an inexpensive magnetic mailbox cover. If you have a different kind of mailbox, consider just giving it a fresh coat of spray paint. 

Bird House

Another inexpensive way to add curb appeal is with a decorative bird house or similar lawn ornament next to your front porch. These are on long stakes that you simply push into the ground. Tick one into your hedges for a charming look.

You can complete these inexpensive curb appeal tips with a minimum of time and money. Yet, they’ll have a similar impact as if you spent hundreds of dollars. 

Be sure to contact your trusted real estate professional for more tips and tricks on how to ramp up curb appeal that will generate the most interest in your property.

Paul Mengert to Address Management Convention

President of One of North Carolina's Leading Homeowner and Condominium Association Management Companies - Paul Mengert to Address Annual Convention on Community Management

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Greensboro, N.C- Paul Mengert, President of Association Management Group, which manages condominium and homeowner associations throughout North and South Carolina, has been tapped to address the 42nd annual international Community Association Institute convention, which will be held in Orlando, Florida May 15th - May 19th.

Mengert, considered a thought leader in the management of common interest communities, such as homeowner and condominium associations, will offer managers from around the world seven specific techniques to obtain happier customers.

Mengert's firm has often surveyed customers and received results as high as 98% satisfaction. In an industry littered with stories of unhappy community members, Mengert's firm has pioneered efforts to increase satisfaction among members while working to raise property values and protect community assets.

Mengert commented, “By setting realistic expectations, establishing standards and delivering what is promised leads to not only happier members but increased property values.” Mengert previously served as the President of the North Carolina Chapter of the Community Association Institute (CAI). For more information on the Community Association Institute, please visit www.caionline.org.

About AMG: AMG is the Carolinas leading professional community association management company dedicated to building effective, successful community associations. AMG guides and assists executive boards to help protect the association's interests, enhance the lives of community members and improve the property values of the community. With offices throughout the Carolinas in Greensboro, Winston-Salem, Charlotte and Raleigh, NC, as well as Greenville, SC, AMG is a knowledgeable partner in enforcing community governing documents with a proven set of processes and techniques. AMG specializes in supporting communities with a broad range of services that can be tailored to individual community needs. Association Management Group, Inc. is a locally Accredited Business by the BBB, as well as a nationally Accredited Association Management Company (AAMC) by the Community Associations Institute.